REVIEW Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 of 4

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Ricardo Delgado
Artist: Ricardo Delgado
Editor: Philip R. Simon
Release date: NOW!!!!
Price: $3.99


Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 of 4 Dark Horse Comics
Age of Reptiles: Ancient Egyptians #1 of 4 Dark Horse Comics

Now Ricardo Delgado likes to draw big-ass dinosaurs and has been awarded handsomely for his efforts and you can see why. Delgado does not do Disneyfied anthropomorphic reptiles. For Delgado dinosaurs are truly cold blooded. They hunt, they stampede, they kill each other, they knock down trees and then they do it all over again.

But this time, either as a cutting-edge or desperate gimmick – you choose -, there is no dialogue. No captions either. The main dinosaur, let’s call him Scarface, is a kind of Clint Eastwood with scales. The enigmatic loner who doesn’t hunt in packs and faces down a herd of enlarged lizard types because they killed his little chum (possibly). Or maybe he was just miffed because he wanted to munch on the little sucker himself.

Without some kind of roadmap to point us in the right direction – words would help with that – it’s hard to know what is really going on here or how it could possibly sustain our interest for another three issues.

A bold concept it may be but I predict this title may well go the way of all dinosaurs.

Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker