Tag Archives: Langdon Foss

Be(LIE)ve In a Brighter Marvel Universe in VOTE LOKI #1!

God, trickster, brother, liar, son, villain, even hero. Loki wears many faces. But now he’s aiming to wear one more – President of the United States of America! Yes, True Believer, your eyes do not deceive you! Though Loki might! The Asgardian charlatan is hitting the campaign trail this June in the highly anticipated VOTE LOKI #1 Continue reading Be(LIE)ve In a Brighter Marvel Universe in VOTE LOKI #1!


Your eyes do NOT deceive you, True Believer. She’s real, and she’s making landfall in the Marvel Universe this November! Introducing…GWENPOOL! Making her thunderous debut in November’s HOWARD THE DUCK #1 – meet the character that’s already taking the world by storm! Continue reading Seriously…Gwenpool!