REVIEW The Fiction #2 of 4

Publisher Boom
Writer: Curt Pires
Artist: David Rubin
Editor: Eric Harburn
Release date: OUT NOW!!
Price: $3.99

The Fiction #2 Boom
The Fiction #2

If Stephen King and Steve Ditko had a love child, The Fiction #2 would be it and it will really mess with your head if you let it.

The Fiction #2 raises the fundamental question: What is real and what is make-believe? As well as raising questions about friendship and the bonds of childhood. The Fiction, a parallel world hinted at in snippets from certain real world novels, is eating memories and without memories what are we?

Max and Kassie lost their friend Tsang to The Fiction years ago when they were kids, now their friend Tyler looks to have gone the same way. To save him they have to enter The Fiction and fix whatever has gone wrong with it. It may not be Narnia or The Shire but what adult can hope to survive in a realm where the certainties of childhood are washed away?

Thoughtful and bizarre storytelling from Curt Pires, with accomplished artwork by David Rubin The Fiction #2 will be keeping you up at night and the next night……and the night after that…….


Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker