REVIEW: Titans Hunt #1

Publisher: DC
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artists: Paolo Siqueira, Geraldo Borges
Colourist: Hi-Fi

Editors: Paul Kaminski, Eddie Berganza
Release Date: OUT NOW!

Price: $3.99

Titans Hunt #1 DC Comics
Titans Hunt #1
DC Comics

Titans Hunt #1 is a gift to old-school Titans fans. The heroes lost their memory and Titans Hunt #1 spends the entire issue catching up on most of them and setting up the concept here.

Roy Harper (Speedy) is a wandering mess, passing out drunk in his truck bed. “He doesn’t drink to forget,” says the narrator paraphrasing the Eagles, “he drinks to remember.” Meanwhile, Dick Grayson is playing super spy Agent 37, breaking up a New York cartel operation. Since DC characters never go to New York, is this a dig at Marvel?

Dick gets a call from Lillith Clay, telling him to find his friends as an unrevealed threat looms. Meanwhile we get a glimpse at some of the other lost Titans, including Caveboy Gnarrk, Donna Troy Wonder Girl and Mal Duncan the Herald. Dick, Roy and Lillith get déjà vu from wind storms. Not much else happens.

The art by Sigueira and Borges really hits the mark, and takes up the slack when the writing tails off into the arena of the ho-hum.

Titans gourmands will be happy and new readers have a jumping-in point. The rest of us might find this a soporific, and it’s not much fun for the layman. But it is worth seeing where Titans Hunt #1 goes.

Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker