REVIEW: Rose #3

Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Meredith Finch
Artist: Ig Guara
Colourist: Triona Farrell
Release Date: OUT NOW!

Price: $3.99

Rose #3
Image Comics

Let’s start by saying Rose #3 is not Red Sonja. Neither is it Star Wars, Snow White or The Jungle Book, but it does have disparate elements of all those things: a female warrior central character; a band of rebels fighting impossible odds; an evil queen and a black panther who acts as guide and mentor. What’s not to like about that mix of sci-fi, fantasy and sword and sorcery?

Well, for Rose #3, it could be an unholy mess of borrowed ideas and themes which have been done a zillion times before and, most probably, better. However, Rose #3, it’s pretty good. Yes, it’s familiar, but repetition is a staple ingredient of the comic book medium. The only difference between a runaway hit and a mega turkey is the imagination of the writer in revisiting familiar territory and the skill of the artist in presenting that story in a visually exciting and appropriate manner.

Meredith Finch and Ig Guara have nailed both those elements in Rose #3 and provided a saga which holds its own with its more established forebears. In a nutshell; Rose is a Guardian whose power is just awakening, Thorne is a Khat – that’s the black panther I spoke about – who bonds with Rose to overthrow the evil Queen Drucilla who killed Rose’s mother. Aided by Ila, a Yoda-like old crone who explains Rose’s destiny to her; Rose #3 provides ample backstory and sets the rebels to ally themselves against the big nasty, as Thorne battles his way towards his Guardian.

At which point for Rose #3, is when the battle will really begin. Lots of twists and turns are possible along the way and, if nothing in Rose #3 is exactly brand new it is, at least, finely rendered with likeable, fully-rounded characters and action aplenty.



Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker