Dystopian Image Comics series by Rucka and Lark gets second printing
The second issue of the Image Comics series LAZARUS, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark’s dystopian vision of a feudal future, has sold out the same week as its release, prompting a second printing that will be in stores on August 28.

LAZARUS follows Forever Carlyle, the powerful Carlyle Family’s “Lazarus,” a genetically-enhanced young woman who cannot be killed and protects the Family’s interests and resources. Raised to believe she is a loved member of the Family, Forever’s world begins to fall apart as she questions the brutal acts she has been raised to believe are normal.
A striking depiction of a society where the wealthy 0.0001% hold power and the lives of the poor are expendable, LAZARUS has received extraordinary critical acclaim:
“The world being built by Rucka and Lark in Lazarus is engrossing and captivating…. These two veteran creators are building toward something big, and have a runaway hit on their hands. Lazarus is as good as comics get, folks.” – Comicosity
“Rucka and Lark’s dedication to the creation of a fully-realized world with three-dimensional characters allows them to tap into the verisimilitude of the successful political thriller, while using elements of science fiction to challenge our perceptions. The result is a resonant piece of graphic storytelling that is visceral, intelligent, and utterly addictive.” – Broken Frontier
“It’s a dark, bleak world, and it only makes sense that the book has dark, bleak art to go along with it. Michael Lark’s art brings the world of Lazarus to life in all its gritty despair…” – IGN
The second printing of LAZARUS #2 can be pre-ordered now (Diamond code: JUN138142) and will be in stores on August 28, the same day as LAZARUS #3.