The God Mountain is almost gone, revealing the sleeping behemoth that, when awakened, will destroy the Lost World and all its inhabitants. There is only one way to stop it — an ancient device hidden in a temple deep in the forest, although it is missing a vital part. When Jana and Togg locate the piece, it’s up to them to get it to Jana’s father at the temple. Can they do it in time? Can they save the world? And if so, what will it cost them?
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Cover by Frank Cho
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Art by Jack Jadson
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Art by Jack Jadson
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Art by Jack Jadson
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Art by Jack Jadson
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4 Art by Jack Jadson
Jungle Girl: Season Three #4Frank Cho, Doug Murray (w) Jack Jadson (a) Frank Cho (c)FC • 32 pages • $3.99 FANS, ASK YOUR RETAILER FOR THE:Frank Cho B/W art retailer incentive coverFrank Cho “Virgin” art retailer incentive cover