Eagle Award nominee publisher Red Anvil Comics is proud to announce Erik Shein’s “The Monsterjunkies” Volume One, an Original Graphic Novel that explores the important themes of bullying, conservation and animal preservation in today’s ever changing world through a most entertaining and innovative series of books. Follow us to 1313 Road to Nowhere, to a small New England town called Foggy Point, where behind massive stone walls lies a secluded Gothic mansion. Home to a most usually family and their menagerie of protected, exotic and non-existing legendary creatures called the Monsterjunkies. This family, called strange by society, are continually confronted by harsh bullying simply because of their odd personal style and their unusual sounding name that evokes an imagined fear in their community. This fear allows distrust to flourish that can only bring about hurtful behavior upon the entire Monster Junkie Family. It will be available in October just in time for Halloween.
As the adventure unfolds, teenagers Crow and Indigo, together with their parents Talon, an accomplished crypto zoologist and Pandora, an extraordinary slightly mystical botanist, learn to overcome the town’s harassment. Eventually the Monsterjunkies throw open the gates to their home and private sanctuary. To everyone’s surprise, once the secret is exposed, the fear disappears and acceptance of the family’s unique individuality begins to grow.
Red Anvil Comics welcomes you to the Monsterjunkies world, where the magical is real and the bizarre is quite normal.
“The reason I dedicate myself to helping animals so much is because there are already so many people dedicated to hurting them.” – Erik Shein.
Joe Martino, Co-Publisher at Red Anvil Comics says “We are very happy to welcome the Monster Junkie series to Red Anvil Comics. It is an amazing story that will definitely make people want to come back for more.”
The Monsterjunkies was adapted from the original novel by Erik Shein and Theresa A. Gates by Jay Fotos Studios, produced by James Costello and published by Red Anvil Comics.
Red Anvil Comics is a New Jersey based comic publisher that boasts the Eagle Award Nominated War of the Independents and critically acclaimed comics, The Mighty Titan, Owlgirls, Penance, Unti 5, Shadowflame and Cyberines.

Diamond Order Code – JUL151567 F MONSTER JUNKIES GN
ISBN: 978-0-9963872-0-0