Publisher: Boom/Archaia
Writer: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing
Artist: Marcus To
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Release date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Whenever you hear that an actor/comedian/footballer/model etc. has written a book, it’s usually a good time to run for the hills. At best you’ll get the work of some hack ghost writer doing it to pay the rent or, worse, said actor/comedian/footballer etc. has actually tried to string some words together themselves which only goes to prove why they were an actor/comedian etc. in the first place.
So, when the actress Alyssa Milano, best known for her role in the witch sisters TV series Charmed, is credited with creating Hacktivist it didn’t exactly make me want to rush out and buy it. But then, Milano didn’t actually write this and let’s not get into a Stan Lee/Steve Ditko/Spider-Man argument here about what the word created really means because Hacktivist is too good to get itself stuck in that quagmire.
Hacktivist Vol 2 #1 of 6 picks up six months after Nate Graft’s best friend, Ed Hiccox died. Nate is now in charge of VIGIL, the front line of America’s ongoing cyber operations. When a subversive organisation calling itself .sve_urs3lf launches a massive cyber attack targeting mobile phones and other devices, stealing very important information from very important people, it’s up to VIGIL to do something about it. And the only clue is a dead man, Ed Hiccox.
Hacktivist Vol 2 #1 of 6 will have conspiracy theorist’s drooling with delight and although Hacktivist can a bit dialogue heavy the narrative is still slick enough to capture the interest of the casual reader as well as die-hard paranoids.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker