Looking For Group #5 In Stores 08/05/2015

Richard is armed to the teeth, er, shoulders, as our group meets Krunch’s people, The Bloodrage, and oh, what a reunion they have! Some friendly and not-so-friendly relatives show up to mend fences and lop off limbs, and we answer the eternal burning question: do Elves feel pain? (Spoiler: They do).

Looking For Group #5
writer: Ryan Sohmer
artist: Lar deSouza, Hawk, Ryan Dunlavey, Ed Ryzowski
covers: Aurelie Martin & Lar deSouza (a – color),
Aurelie Martin & Lar deSouza (b – B/W)
Fans & retailers, order the cover of your choice!
FC • 48 pages • $4.99 • Teen+