Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Kathryn Immomen
Artist: Rich Ellis
Colourist: Rachel Rosenberg
Release date: OUT NOW!!
Price: $3.99

Marvel Comics
Love Peggy Carter? Then you’re in luck, Agent Peggy Carter gets her own one-shot comic book: Agent Carter S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1. The setup is different from the TV show, the S.H.I.E.L.D of 1966 considers recruiting Peggy Carter given the World War II record Carter has of fighting alongside Captain America.
Agent Peggy Carter’s old pal Dum-Dum Dugan invites her to a helicarrier floating above the North Atlantic. But when he tells her he wants her help evaluating a potential recruit it turns out to be none other than Lady Sif of Asgard.
Kathryn Immomen’s writing can be inconsistent in style and delivery. On the plus side, the plot is decent. But on the other side the dialogue can get clunky. We pray for a world where nobody writes “best of the best” ever again. Seriously, just stop. And a joke about Nick Fury’s balls is forced. But the dialogue has fun as Sif takes everything literally. “All right, keep your pants on,” says Peggy. “I am not wearing pants,” Sif responds. Take that, Guardians of the Galaxy’s Drax!
In Agent Carter S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1 the writing is better than the art, as Ellis’s faces and figures still need work. A major complaint is that a 40-something Peggy looks barely out of her teens (although the pearls were a nice touch). And in Ellis’s hands Sif looks like a masculine Big Barda clone.
A mixed bag then for Agent Carter S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #1. Some good, some not so good; the balance, dear reader, is up to you.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker