Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Ron Marz and Ian Edgington
Artist: Ariel Medel
Editor: Joe Rybrandt
Release date: OUT NOW!!!
Price: £3.99

In John Carter Warlord of Mars #11 Part One of the Lost Empires storyline, Dejah and John are caught in the storm to end all storms and when their flyer crash lands near the lost city of the White Martians it just makes a bad day even worse. Interlopers in ancient abandoned cities are a bit like buses. You wait for several millennium and then two come along at once!
And wouldn’t you know it, John and Dejah have been beaten to the punch by a group of scavengers looking for untold wealth and led by Pallias who just happens to be a former member of Dejah’s Household Guard who is really not happy with his severance package.
Locating the lost technology of the Orovars is meant to solve all his problems but in John Carter Warlord of Mars #11no-one leaves that sort of treasure trove unguarded as our heroes and villains find out to their cost. As heroes go, John Carter is a bit lacking in depth and Mars could really be anywhere but this is inventive enough to while away a rainy afternoon.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker