Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writers: Christos Gage, Tom Falco
Artists: Paco Diaz, Ron Frenz, Sal Buscema
Colourists: Frank D’Armata, Andrew Crossley
Release date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Marvel Comics
Spider-Island is another land on Marvel’s Secret Wars Battleworld and ruled by the Spider-Queen and a never-ending horde of Spider-Minions. Against Spider-Queen stands a resistance comprised of Agent Venom, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, the Vision and Captain Marvel. Spider-Queen has contaminated the island’s inhabitants making them her thralls, together with heroes tainted with Lizard poison. But with still-infected former Minions Captain America and the Hulk it’s time for the resistance to take the fight to the enemy.
The issue revolves around their operation. Once they have the Spider-Queen cornered, since Peter Parker is involved discussions involving the morality of killing the Spider-Queen in cold blood are on the table. And with werewolf Captain America still under the Moonstone’s influence it’s up to Peter to provide motivation. He tells Flash Tompson, aka Venom, “You don’t need heroes or inspirations anymore, Flash, you are one.”
Art chores by Paco Diaz are stylish and slightly loose. Half the book is dedicated to fighting and Diaz handles those with ease.
In Spider-Island #4 the Spider-Girl backup story evolves Mayday Parker squaring off against the Avengers from an alternate timeline, led by an evil Hope Pym. Like Peter her life is a never-ending mess and even while fighting she’s trying to work through the angst. “I need to celebrate dad’s life…instead of agonizing over his death,” she thinks while dodging a lady Captain America’s shield.
The art isn’t as good as the lead story, but it has a lot of energy. Plus it’s always nice to see Marvel Silver Age artist Sal Bucema back in the fray. There was a time when Sal seemed to be in every Marvel Comic Book and some of us – like a certain Reviews Editor – misses those days. It’s okay he’s gone now, to cry into his copies Spidey Super Stories. Anyway, to conclude.
The Spider-Island mini-series concludes with the next issue, and for Spider-Man fans it stays true to the character. It’s not the best Spidey story you’ll ever read, but it’s a good romp nevertheless.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Stephen Hooker