Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Gerardo Sandoval
Colourist: Dono Sanchez Almara
Editors: Tom Brevoort, Wil Moss
Release date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Marvel Comics
The New Avengers line-up includes Hulkling, Power Man, Squirrel Girl (because everything’s better with a little Squirrel Girl), Songbird, White Tiger and Wiccan, who has enough angst for a CW superhero TV program. The story in New Avengers #1 seems to suggest writer Al Ewing took acid and read a stack of Silver Age DC comics before writing it.
The threat in New Avengers #1 is like something from a silly 1960’s science fiction comic: Parisians turning into crystal-headed zombies, forming a giant pentagram across the city. And the team’s gravity belts allow anyone to fly, just like the Legion of Super-Heroes’ flight rings. Their new bad guy is the Maker, an evil Reed Richards. His guard the Neohedron includes a floating crystal-headed giant gorilla with a scorpion tail.
The artwork from Gerardo Sandoval is gorgeous and well paced. Even scenes where people do nothing but talk are dynamic. The colouring by Dono Sanchez Almara adds subtle details to the visuals.
On one level, New Avengers #1 maintains Marvel’s sense of fun. On another, characters have real emotions. And whether or not the Silver Age parody was intentional, it still finds new growth in previously ploughed ground. Keep digging, Avengers.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker