Publisher: Dark Circle Comics
Writers: Adam Christopher and Chuck Wendig
Artist: Drew Johnson
Editor: Alex Segura
Release date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Dark Circle Comics
In the pantheon of patriotic American superheroes The Shield holds a unique place since, debuting in 1940 in a tale written by Harry Shorten and drawn by Irv Novick. The Shield beat Captain America to the newsstands by a good fourteen months and can also lay claim to being the first red, white and blue crusader and the template that all others followed.
Since then The Shield’s career has been patchy with several characters using The Shield identity both in the Archie imprints and for a while when DC acquired the rights to the character. Now, safely back on home turf, we get yet another incarnation, but this time with a difference. For the first time ever, The Shield is a female called Victoria Adams.
In a story entitled ‘Daughter of the Revolution Part One’ we get an origin cementing The Shield as the first patriotic freedom fighter by being set in 1776 during the American War of Independence. We meet a mysterious young woman who claims to be a ‘Shield of the revolution.’
That’s just the teaser though, because we now segue to the present day where an amnesiac young woman who bears a remarkable resemblance to the ‘Shield of the revolution’ is being hunted by the police and a mysterious stranger who has the resources and the bad attitude to lay claim to being the villain of the piece. Befriended by a detective and seemingly possessed of superhuman strength and resilience not to mention a killer temper our flame-haired heroine is supposed to be keeping a low profile but can’t help wading in when justice needs to be done.
The Shield is a perfect blend of up-front action and a mystery wrapped enigma. I guarantee you will want to know who Victoria Adams is almost as much as she does.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker