Publisher: DC
Writer: Tom King
Artists: Khary Randolph, Alain Mauricet, Jorge Corono, Andres Guinaldo, Walden Wong , Rob Haynes
Colourists: Emilio Lopez, Chris Sotomayor, Gabe Eltaeb, Sandra Molina
Editor: Mark Doyle
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $4.99

In Robin War #1 Gotham City is being patrolled by scores of young Robin wannabes, their battle cry being “I am Robin!” The issue starts out with a tragedy when one of the youths trying to subdue a robber accidentally shoots a cop. In response the city launches a war against the teenage vigilantes, led by Councilwoman Noctua, who has a hidden agenda.
Anyone watching current debates in America over refugees and guns will recognize Councilwoman’s ridiculous statements, like ‘We are taking Gotham back from these children,’ mirroring things real politicians say. The city passes laws against Robin paraphernalia, and the move allows the police to act like thugs and racial profilers: a boy is arrested just for the crime of walking while wearing red shoes.
When the Middletown Robin cell gathers to plan their reaction they are visited by real Robins Damien Wayne, Jason Todd (Red Hood) and Tim Drake (Red Robin). A scuffle ensues leading to a visit from Jim Gordon/Batman, who being a decent man doesn’t want to fight children.
Robin War #1 is well written, with good dialogue and humour where appropriate. And although art chores are divided up among several artists, the story flows seamlessly and is well crafted throughout.
Robin War #1 is off to an excellent start and is one of the best comics to come out this month. Contemporary and a suitable mirror, reflecting the world back at us. And that is one of the hallmarks of brilliance; read and inwardly digest.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker