Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Nathan Edmondson
Artist: Tonci Zonjic and Jordan Gibson
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.50

Prejudice is a dreadful thing. When I opened the pages of Where Is Jake Ellis? #5 and realised I was reading a US espionage story with a main character the victim of secret scientific experiments I thought, ‘here we go again’. However, once I had shaken off the obvious Jason Bourne comparisons, I persevered and I am very glad I did.
The plot of Where Is Jake Ellis #5 revolves around Jon Moore a former analyst for the CIA who has a guardian angel called Jake Ellis. Both Jon and Jake were victims of experiments in ‘remote viewing’ at an illegal laboratory. Jon escaped the laboratory and now only he can see Jake. Jake helps Jon fight a sinister organisation called Evergreen by helping him in a manner reminiscent of the old ‘Randall and Hopkirk Deceased’ TV series from the 1970s (Ed likes to date everything, 05.12.2015).
Where Is Jake Ellis #5 is the last in this particular story arc and follows on from the 2013 series Who is Jake Ellis? Apparently 20th Century Fox have optioned the movie rights to this story and it is obvious where the appeal lies for a potential film. The artwork by Tonci Zonjic and Jordan Gibson is already cinematic in its scope and is very cleverly put together. At first it appears simplistic but on a second look has much more going on than the first glance suggests.
Given that I have come to the saga in Where Is Jake Ellis? #5 at the denouement of the second story arc, Nathan Edmondson’s writing managed to captivate my imagination from its original prejudiced position and did well to develop the characters of the two principal protagonists in such a short time.
All of this goes to show I really must be more open minded about comic books in future! Where Is Jake Ellis? #5 obviously needs more than just a cursory glance, Where Is Jake Ellis? #5 needs your full attention. NOW!
Reviewer: Steve Weller
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker