Publisher: DC
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artists: Fernando Pasarin, Matt Ryan
Colourist: Chris Sotomayor
Editor: Rebecca Taylor
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Detective Comics #48 is a straight-out murder mystery and an intriguing one: Batman/James Gordon discovers the victim shot dead with a flintlock pistol meticulously dressed as George Washington
Unlike Bruce Wayne, Gordon’s Batman has Gotham City Police Department resources at his disposal, including the irascible Sgt. Bullock. Gordon can’t help pulling the disappearing Batman trick on him. Gordon is a much more vulnerable Batman than Bruce Wayne and writer Peter J. Tomasi uses the device to replace Bruce’s psychological problems.
The villain in Detective Comics #48 is a brutal psychopath with a preference for wearing historical masks, in this case George Washington. “I die hard, but I am not afraid to go,” he quotes the founding father. He’s so mad he’s legitimately scary. Points to Tomasi for finding obscure Washington letters.
The real star of Detective Comics #48 is artist Fernando Pasarin, who makes a good story better. Attention to detail gives each impeccably drafted panel gravitas.
Detective Comics #48 sets up an interesting mystery and villain and the art is a feast for Baccus. It should satisfy Batman fans, including Bruce Wayne boosters.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker