Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Timothy Truman
Artist: Tomas Giorello
Editor: Philip R. Simon
Release Date: 27 January 2016
Price: $3.99

Dark Horse Comics
King Conan – Wolves Beyond the Border is based on an unfinished short story by Conan creator and much-loved writer, Robert E. Howard.
Wolves Beyond the Border sees the barbarian’s barbarian abandon the comforts of his throne in Aquilonia to return a cursed crown to Pictish tribes in the south. As King Conan, this is an older version of the grim barbarian warrior that we have all come to know and admire, but advancing years has by no means dulled Conan’s fighting spirit although even that can’t prevent him being taken captive by the evil Hawk Clan.
Fear not, gentle reader, for in King Conan – Wolves Beyond the Border #2 of 4, help is on the way in the comely form of a figure from Conan’s past. This is vintage Conan, keeping to the spirit of Robert E. Howard’s ultimate creation in the medium that he was born to rule.
King Conan – Wolves Beyond the Border #2 of 4 is a perfect combination of bloodshed, curses and iron pitted against magic, just as it should be. New readers can start here and old hands can delight in this latest incarnation which has something for everyone.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker