Publishers: DC
Writers: Grek Pak, Aaron Kuder
Artists: Aaron Kuder, David Messina, Javi Fernandez, Bruno Redondo, Vicente Cifuentes, Gaetano Carlucci, Juan Albarran,
Colourist: Tomeu Morey
Editor: Andrew Marino
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $2.99

The Man of Steel is back! As part of the Savage Dawn storyline in Action Comics #50 Superman is reborn in full costume. But will it be enough to stop immortal Vandal Savage and his comet-powered descendants?
Using Fortress of Solitude technology in Action Comics #50, Savage has brought his comet closer to Earth as he attacks Metropolis, and he’s using his ‘children’ to test the power. A poisoned Superman, now strengthened by kryptonite, which is also killing him, takes the fight directly to his Antarctic base.
Meanwhile, in Action Comics #50, Clark’s friends in Metropolis including Batman, Wonder Woman, Mr. Terrific, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are trying to save as many civilians as possible. “What would Superman do?” is their battle cry.
It doesn’t take a village just to raise a child; apparently it also takes one to draw Superman. Main artist Aaron Kuder has plenty of help and although the story is nicely told, some of the faces and figures still feel off.
Action Comics #50 is a fun, fast read with plenty of action. The only real complaint is the quick ease with which the Fortress of Solitude restores Superman’s power without any explanation, or why Superman didn’t just do that in the first place. But if you can live with that, in Action Comics #50 the messages of friendship and heroism are well-received, if a bit in your face, and the ending ensures we will want to read the next instalment.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker