Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Victor Gischler
Artist: Will Conrad
Executive Producer: Joss Whedon
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: £3.99

Dark Horse Comics
Joss Whedon’s bid to conquer the known, and unknown, universe continues apace as his televisual creations Angel and Faith continue their cross-media adventures in Angel & Faith #24, the penultimate issue of this particular saga.
Angel & Faith #24 is set in London, the Big Bad, Archaeus, is shacked up with Drusilla and his vampire minions as he plots to take control of Magic Town’s sentient magic by offering it a body to inhabit.
The Scooby Gang from TV is here, augmented by several new characters and Archaeus is the type of demon beast that, visually at least, it would be hard to imagine on our screens back when Buffy the Vampire Slayer was in full flow.
Drusilla gets the best lines in Angel & Faith #24, about Angel’s face going all scrunchy when he’s confused as our plucky band of heroes go up against impossible odds, but then, impossible is what our vampire with a soul does every day before breakfast and twice on the weekend, right?
Will our vampiric dynamic duo in Angel & Faith #24 live to fight another day? I wouldn’t bet against it.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker