REVIEW: ElfQuest #14 Dark Horse Comics

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Wendy Pini & Richard Pini
Artist: Wendy Pini
Editor: Spencer Cushing
Release Date: 23 March 2016
Price: $3.50

ElfQuest #14 Dark Horse Comics
ElfQuest #14
Dark Horse Comics

Wow, who would have thought that ElfQuest would still be going after all this time? Created by Wendy and Richard Pini in 1978, both still hold the creative reins after publishing initially through their own company, Warp Graphics, then moving on to Marvel and DC before their current home with Dark Horse. That has to be some kind of record for dogged determination if nothing else!

ElfQuest #14 opens with Cutter, Chief of the Wolfriders still missing and Venka, daughter of Rayek forced to confront an old friend. Wendy Pini’s artwork is as assured and distinctive as ever and if there is such a thing as “brand ElfQuest” it surely has to be the look of the book above all else.

In what has to be one of the longest lasting sagas in comic book history, ElfQuest continues to enchant and entertain. Those new to the saga could do themselves a service by starting here in ElfQuest #14. Regulars will have to prepare themselves to shed a few tears though as a much-loved character returns to the green.

Pick up a copy of ElfQuest #14 and prepared to loose all your fantasy assumptions and become a Pini fan.


Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker

One thought on “REVIEW: ElfQuest #14 Dark Horse Comics”

  1. And enriching ElfQuest is too! We like to review a broad range of comic books on Multiverse.

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