Producer: CBS
Writers: Andrew Kreisberg, Michael Grassi, Greg Berlanti,
Director: Nick Gomez
Featuring: Melissa Benoist, Grant Gustin, Mehcad Brooks, Jeremy Jordan, Calista Flockhart, Leslie Willis, Italia Ricci, Brit Morgan, Harriet Sansom Harris
ReleaseDate: OUT NOW!

What happens when you mash-up two often badly written superhero television characters? Turns out in Supergirl Season 1 Episode 18 World’s Finest the overall result is charming, even evoking out-loud laughter at times. That doesn’t mean the episode doesn’t have its usual share of egregious coincidences and glaring plot holes, including bantering instead of fighting and lost opportunities to take down the villains.
In Supergirl Season 1 Episode 18 World’s Finest Barry Allen/Flash (Grant Gustin) is stranded on an alternate Earth (in National City, natch). Concurrently annoying bitch Siobhan Smythe (Italia Ricci) discovers she is literally cursed with the power of amplify and manipulate sound wave and takes the mantle Silver Banshee (because Marvel already had a character called Banshee). After attacking Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), Flash saves her. This initial encounter is the best part of the episode.
After Siobhan frees baddie Leslie Willis/Livewire from prison they team up to kill Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart), with predictable results. As usual Flockhart steals every scene. “The Flash? Sounds like somebody whose only superpower is jumping out of an ally in a trench coat.” And it’s always a treat to see Harriet Sansom Harris in anything, in Supergirl Season 1 Episode 18 World’s Finest, appearing as Siobhan’s aunt.
Despite this episode’s charm Supergirl retains its overall juvenile level of writing. Supergirl Season 1 Episode 18 World’s Finest comes closer to achieving the series’ potential, but continues to fall short, which is even more disappointing, given the potential scope of the plot and the tantalising glimpses of what could have been in this episode.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker