Publisher: DC
Writer: Gene Leun Yang
Artists: Jack Herbert
Colourist: Hi-Fi, Blond, Will Quintana
Editor: Andrew Marino
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Superman #49 continues the Savage Dawn storyline; Wonder Woman digs out the former Man of Steel after Vandal Savage’s spaceship crushes him. Also to the rescue Lois Lane and her bodyguard Metallo. The former villain would normally be a threat to Supes, but Clark’s all hopped up on Kryptonite, using it like chemotherapy to kill his body’s mutated cells.
Savage for his part, in Superman #49, is using comet energy to mutate anyone on Earth carrying his gene, and super-powered beings like evil Inhumans start popping up everywhere, whipped up into a frenzy trying to gain Savage’s favour.
In the end, Superman #49, is a story of redemption and sacrifice. The fight isn’t over, but Metallo may have enabled Superman to save the day. The plot moves forward, although sometimes clumsy dialogue halts its pace.
Jack Herbert has taken over art chores and he has a nicely realistic style and his action scenes, of which there are many, are jam-packed with speed and energy.
Superman #49 is a rollercoaster; it’s thrilling but you don’t have to think too hard. After a few pages setting up the conflict, Superman #49, dives straight down without pause, interrupted only by its own conclusion. Savage Dawn has been an entertaining novel and like any good serial makes you anticipate the next chapter.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker