Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Tyler Crook
Editor: Daniel Chabon
Release Date: 13 April 2016
Price: $3.99

Dark Horse Comics
This may well be the title of which you want to be able to say: “I knew it when” because It’s soon to be a TV series on the SyFy channel!
If you have an aversion to snakes you may want to give the opening pages of Harrow County #11 just a cursory glance because local witch Lovey Belfont keeps jars of them in her cellar like most old country ladies keep jams or pickles. And is that a tree full of possums (I think they’re possums, my grasp of deep south flora and fauna isn’t what it should be) sent to menace the intrepid Bernice as she runs for her life through the dark woods?
Fearing the worst when in Harrow County #11, Bernice is captured by Lovey Belfont before she can reach safety, Bernice learns that all is not what it seems with the old lady and the real menace lies in the past with the arrival of snake-haired witch Hester Beck.
All this in Harrow County #11 and back-up features about a spooky soul train and a prose story about pirates. Does it get any better than this? Hardly ever. Cullen Brown and Tyler Crook serve up a delicious slice of southern fried gothic able to chill the bones even as it warms the cockles of your horror comic loving hearts.
Harrow County’s jump to our TV screens is well deserved but they will have to go some to beat the quality on display here.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker