Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Chuck Wendig
Artist: Nick Virella
Colourist: Rumulo Fajardo, Jr.
Editor: Katie Kubert
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Marvel Comics
Hyperion #2 is part of a Marvel series concerning a minor character, so you don’t expect much. But instead Hyperion #2 is pleasantly surprising. The Superman-like alien of Hyperion #2 is trying to adjust to life on Earth, and so in the Smallville-like guise of trucker Marc, he’s gone on walkabout. But it’s complicated when he saves Doll, being pursued by a pack of super carnies.
Doll acts as the reluctant Hyperion’s conscience, reminding him he’s a hero, even if she knows he’s hiding something. “What I care about is that people need help. I needed it and you helped me, and now that guy in the diner needs it, too. So you’re gonna suck it up and do the right thing, Marc,” Doll scolds him. It’s not quite Jiminy Cricket but sort of the right ballpark.
So, in Hyperion #2, Doll, Hyperion and a homeless dog set out to solve the mystery of the murder of the diner’s daughter. Even the dog provides pivotal help as the trio encounter the disgusting Worm Boy in the cliff-hanger ending.
Hyperion’s psychological journey is entertaining as he tries to understand if he’s a hero or just a killer. He doesn’t trust his own judgement and needs Doll whether he realises it or no. Hyperion keeps treating Doll as a problem when she is actually a solution.
Nick Virella’s art is loose at times, but, overall, attractively tells a dynamic story. Virella, aided by Rumulo Fajardo, Jr.’s excellent, airbrushed-like colouring delivers effective story-telling.
Hyperion #2 has enough adventure and psychology to make it an interesting read, backed up with solid art. Hyperion is powerful enough to be an important Marvel hero, and getting to see this character’s development is a treat.
Hyperion #2, from minor to major, and yes that is a love song that can be no finer. You will love this too.
Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker