REVIEW: Justice League Vs. Teen Titans

Producer: Warner Bros. Animation
Writer: Bryan Q. Miller, Alan Burnett
Director: Sam Liu
Featuring: Rosario Dawson, Christopher Gorham, Shemar Moore, Jerry O’Connell, Jason O’Mara, Stuart Allan, Jake T. Austin, Taissa Farmiga, Sean Maher, Brandon Soo Hoo, Kari Wahlgren, Jonn Bernthal
Date: OUT NOW DVD/Blu-Ray 12 April 2016

Justice League Vs. Teen Titans Warner Bros
Justice League Vs. Teen Titans
Warner Bros

Why, oh why can’t DC movies and television shows be as good as their animated counterparts?

In Justice League Vs. Teen Titans, after Damien/Robin (Stuart Allan) fails to follow orders Batman (Jason O’Mara) ships him off to Titans Tower to learn teamwork with Blue Beetle (Jake T. Austin), Beast Boy (Brandon Soo Hoo), Raven (Taissa Farminga) and Starfire (Kari Wahlgren). But given Damien’s attitude it’s not long before he butts heads with the teenage heroes.

Meanwhile the Justice League has become possessed by Satan stand-in Trigon (Jon Bernthal), who is trying to reenter the Earthly realm through his daughter Raven. The plot is simple and straightforward and has few holes, unlike a recent live-action film featuring Justice League heroes.

In Justice League Vs. Teen Titans the story’s subtext involves family and belonging, and summoning enough strength to do the right thing. In this context love is stronger than blood, as both Damien and Raven have to confront their family. “I’m not wishing you dead anymore,” Damien finally tells his new teammates.

Well-animated, Justice League Vs. Teen Titans never lets you forget its anime roots. Starfire changes into her costume Sailor Moon style. Justice League vs. Teen Titans is fast-paced and filled with plenty of action and engaging moments. Who doesn’t want to see Wonder Woman punch an elephant? And when the giant Trigon rises he is eerily reminiscent of the Midnight on Bald Mountain sequence in Fantasia.

Although obviously aimed at a younger audience, Justice League Vs. Teen Titans has enough sophistication to entertain adults. At a time when DC is trying to find a strong cinematic foothold, Justice League vs. Teen Titans looks like a lesson DC needs to learn.


Reviewer: Joe Lovece
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker