Publisher: Image
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Art: Ryan Kelly
Cover: Ryan Kelly and Emma Price
Price: $3.99
Release Date: OUT NOW!

Image Comics
Taken directly from Shakespeare’s famous quote: Cry Havoc and Let Slip The Dogs of War! And this is pretty much what Cry Havoc #5 does, in spades. Most werewolf themed comic books come in two types, either eye rolling stupidity or stomach-churching, blood stained horror. Cry Havoc #5 chooses to be neither and just be its own thing. In Cry Havoc #5 we’re introduced to Lou, a street performer in war-torn Afghanistan who is bitten by a werewolf. Using her new powers, she joins up with an army of other shape-shifting soldiers.
Cry Havoc #5 is woven around myth, monsters, the military and also around life itself. The art style and writing are fantastic. The characters in Cry Havoc #5 are human and well fleshed out, with their own strengths and weaknesses. The fact the narrative is nonlinear and pinballs all over the globe really makes you think and re-read parts just to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
Image have been doing really well recently with their supernatural themed comics. Cry Havoc #5 is no exception. If you like your supernatural horror comics with a generous helping of humanity, then this is a clear pick for your pile.
Reviewer: Aaron Wood
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker