Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Joe Brusha
Art: Allan Otero
Colours: Fran Gamboa
Cover: Ciau Cacau
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Satan’s Hollow #3 is a lesser-known title in the Zenescope canon and has only been running for a few months. The plot takes place over the course of a century. For years, the quiet town of Blue Ash, Ohio has been suspected of sitting on a portal leading directly to Hell. Ever since the turn of the century, Satanic cultists have been trying to open the portal, leading to more and more grotesque killings and sacrifices.
Satan’s Hollow #3 picks up with Sandra Ward, who is in Blue Ash, tying up the loose ends of her parent’s murders. Witnessing strange events herself, including werewolf sightings, the murder of a child and the mysterious disappearance of a Deputy, Ash decides to investigate deeper into the local legends.
Meanwhile in Satan’s Hollow #3, the cultists are inching ever closer to opening the portal. Just how deep has Sandra dug? Will Sandra be able to stop the cultists and save the world from Satan himself?
Satan’s Hollow #3 is an interesting supernatural read. Satan’s Hollow #3 feels very much like a classic, almost Lovecraftian in a weird sort of way. The supernatural elements in Satan’s Hollow #3 aren’t at the forefront but may be there is some truth in the local folklore after all.
Review: Aaron Wood
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker