With half the Harpies taken hostage and on their way to Rome as war prizes, Xena and Gabrielle set off on a desperate rescue mission. The Harpies are ready for battle, and even Ares has joined the fray, but with Rome hungry for victory at any cost, they might already be too late. It’s battle on two fronts… and when Gabrielle faces a terrible choice, will she risk losing Xena to save the world?
Xena Warrior Princess #4 Cover by Jenny Frison
Xena Warrior Princess #4 Art by Ariel Medel & Julius Gopez
Xena Warrior Princess #4 Art by Ariel Medel & Julius Gopez
Xena Warrior Princess #4 Art by Ariel Medel & Julius Gopez
Xena Warrior Princess #4 Art by Ariel Medel & Julius Gopez