Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Frank J. Barbiere
Artists: Francesco Manna & Eman Casallos
Colourist: Morgan Hickman
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Dynamite Entertainment
Wife of John Carter, Warlord of Mars and Princess of Barsoom, (that’s Mars to you and me), Deja Thoris created by Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1917 in the first John Carter novel ‘Princess Of Mars’.
Burroughs described Dejah Thoris as a woman of unparalleled beauty who, according to Martian custom, never wore any clothes, something which modern day comic book artists have latched on. However, in Deja Thoris #6, she dons the sort of armour that Tony Stark wouldn’t be seen dead in and goes up against the tyrant Valoris who has taken control of the city of Helium.
Framed for murder and forced into exile, Dejah Thoris must fight to redeem her reputation and to free her people from the cruel grasp of tyranny. Red Sonja may rock a chain mail bikini with more style and Conan may slaughter with more abandon but this is barbarian sci-fi with a pedigree as long as both of those sword and sorcery stalwarts and Frank J. Barbiere, Francesco Manna and Eman Casallos do full justice to Edgar Rice Burrough’s creations.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker