Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Writer: Larry Hama
Artist: Marcelo Ferreira
Colourist: Dan Jackson
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

Cat fight, cat fight, cat fight! Could the cover of Call Of Duty: Black Ops #6 be any more misogynistic or blatantly titillating in a teenage boy, hormonal surge kind of way? Probably not.
In Call Of Duty: Black Ops #6 even the female villain of the piece is called the Wet Witch fer cryin’ out loud. Either way, it’s like a time-warp just opened up and we’ve gone back to the 1950’s where those darn Ruskies are up to no good. But then, this is a futuristic Cold War recreation courtesy of comic book veteran Larry Hama, perhaps most famous for writing G.I. Joe so maybe it’s not that surprising after all.
For Call Of Duty: Black Ops #6 the suitably macho Black Ops team, Hendricks, Taylor and Ramirez, are all set to infiltrate the Lubyanka in pursuit of the aforementioned moist malcontent but it’s left up to the distaff member of the team, Alice, to bring on the really big guns.
All of which, in Call Of Duty: Black Ops #6, is a cue for furry hats, spy talk, car chases and jingoistic posturing. Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. did it better when reds under the bed was a more apt representation of the national psyche.
Let’s just move on now shall we; unfortunately nothing much to see here.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker