Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Pat Shand
Artist: Leonardo Colapetro
Colourist: Slamet Mujiono
Release Date: 14 December 2016
Price: $3.99

If you think you know Van Helsing, think again. This is not the grey-haired monster expert from those old Bela Lugosi movies or even the Hugh Jackman stud muffin action hero from the failed film franchise attempt from a few years back.
Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein #4 features Liesel Van Helsing an uber-sexy dominatrix babe who’s married to the former Greek God of Hell, Hades and she’s already offed Dracula and now has Frankenstein in her sights!
But, in Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein #4, this is not a Frankenstein you’re likely to be familiar with either. This Frankenstein is another spare parts monster built to house the brain of a hunter called Franklin who now seems determined to terrorise New York to kill Liesel’s step-daughter Angelica Blackstone, affectionately known to family and friends alike as the Hellchild.
And that’s all before we get to page one! Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein #4 is pretty much all out action, with Leonardo Colapetro’s artwork complementing Pat Shand’s sharp as a werewolf’s tooth script perfectly.
If you’ve become bored with the whole vampire hunter, man-made monster thing, Van Helsing vs. Frankenstein #4 is just what you need to turn you into a believer once more. A ridiculously accomplished re-imaging of some familiar legends. Can’t wait to see what Liesel tackles next. Hands up who wants The Mummy!
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker