Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Pat Shand
Artist: Julius Abrera
Colourist: Fran Gamboa with J.C. Ruiz
Release Date: 18 January 2017
Price: $3.99

According to those nice people at Zenescope, every issue of Spirit Hunters is going to feature a standalone story, which makes every issue an ideal jumping on point. Nice trick if you can do it, but the temptation, even the necessity, to flesh out the characters’ background and give teasers on upcoming developments seems be overwhelming.
Case in point, Spirit Hunters #3 takes us back to Vera’s home town where the punky troubled teen had some unfortunate formative years. Luckily, her home-grown knowledge provides a vital clue as to why random people seem to be bursting into flames.
As Dr. Chase leads his team of Curtis, Ferguson in Spirit Hunters #3, and their resident psychic Ellen into battle with the flaming spirit, Vera tries and fails at a family reunion which only proves that you can never go home again. A continuing problem with ghost stories is the need to have lots of backstory or else nothing makes sense.
Spirit Hunters #3 handles that obstacle with aplomb, but it still slows the pace down and, with just one issue to wrap up all the loose ends it just feels a touch bland. Personally, I’d embrace the whole “wise mentor teaching rooky heroes the ways of the supernatural world” thing and let the personalities come out to play a little more because the potential is there.
Spirit Hunters #3 has bags of potential and engages despite some narrative misgivings. It’s worth your dime and your time.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker