Publisher: Valiant
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Doug Braithwaite
Colourist: Brian Reber
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

You really would not want to be Ray Garrison aka Bloodshot. Bad enough he was infested with nanites (worse than fleas to get rid of and a zillion times more powerful) but his former friend and Geomancer, Kay McHenry, who he thought was dead, has now been resurrected by evil bad guys Project Rising Sun as his mortal enemy Deathmate and, to make matters worse, Project Rising Sun have infected New York with a nanite virus that turns people into violent, mindless savages with red eyes and pale skin.
Only Bloodshot, the de-programmed Deathmate, and the Bloodshot Squad can save them. Oh, yes, and Bloodshot has just met up with his former paramour, Magic again and she’s not too happy about how friendly he seems to be with Kay either. Talk about having a bad day!
In Bloodshot U.S.A. #4(of 4) Jeff Lemire and Doug Braithwaite keep the adrenaline pumping right to the last moment in a rip-roaring, all guns blazing series finale where Kay McHenry must confront her former puppet masters and the Bloodshots battle to (almost) the last man against impossible odds.
Who will live? Who will die? Can the man called Bloodshot ever have a happy ending for once? And just what is the name of that dog that follows him around? All these questions will be answered (except possibly the name of the dog) in Bloodshot U.S.A. #4(of 4).
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker