REVIEW: Kill The Minotaur #1

Publisher: Image Comics
Writer: Chris Pasetto and Christian Cantamessa
Artist: Lukas ketner
Colourist: Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Release Date: OUT NOW!

Price: $3.99

Kill The Minotaur #1
Image Comics

What a load of bull there is in the aptly named Kill The Minotaur #1. No, seriously, I mean it. The Minotaur is the half-man, half-bull son of King Minos. He lives in a labyrinth and feeds on the flesh of young men and women taken from Athens, the city which King Minos rules with a rod of iron, plus a little help from an army of soldiers with sharp pointy things called swords.

Kill The Minotaur #1 is a re-telling of that most enduring of Greek tragedies: Prince Theseus of Athens is a very modern hero with all the swagger and fire, not to mention arrogance, of a twenty-first century hero. When he is approached by Daedalus, the creator of the labyrinth which keeps the Minotaur imprisoned, with a plan to kill the tyrannical King Minos, Theseus accepts and goes undercover as one of the potential sacrificial victims.

All goes well in Kill The Minotaur #1, the Minotaur is tuned into hamburger, Minos is killed and everyone lives happy ever after. Not. Wouldn’t be much of a story if that happened. Things go pear-shaped, Daedalus’ treachery is discovered and Theseus finds himself in one heck of a pickle, unarmed and unmasked in the enemy’s camp and about to become cattle-cake for a bloodthirsty man-beast.

Myth, mayhem and modern attitude make Kill The Minotaur #1 an intriguing mix which, as far as Kill The Minotaur #1 goes, sticks reasonably faithfully to the stuff of legend. Where it will diverge and what direction it will go in remains to be seen, but Chris Pasetto and Christian Cantamessa are right when they say that the Minotaur is a much overlooked creation that deserves his time in the spotlight.

I would say that Kill The Minotaur #1 is a-mazeing but you’re probably way ahead of me, right? Right….?



Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker