Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Lou Iovino
Artist: Eduardo Garcia
Colourist: Daniel Rosa Duran & Maxflan Araujo
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

In Red Agent: The Human Order #8, a rogue Highborn – that’s some sort of homo superior to you and me – tried to blow up Iceland – the country not the supermarket – with some sort of volcanic eruption. Red Agent Britney Waters – a werewolf in red leather Red Riding Hood fetish gear – and her team manage to keep things cool but find themselves betrayed and facing a different kind of danger courtesy of the Human Order – not to be confused with the Human League who might do pretty much anything for another hit record but would probably stop short of mass annihilation.
Okay, all caught up? Now read on. Red Agent: The Human Order #8 opens with a quick scene change to the Tunisian desert where Red Agent Brit and her pals, token cockney Silk – not in Spike’s class but then, who is? – and Avril who both seem to have some kind of energy power, are investigating mysterious tunnels on the trail of arch-villain Alpha.
After polishing off a sand monster they meet a former friend with a severe emphasis on the “former” and a pitch battle ensues. Confused, battered and bruised after this altercation, Brit, Silk and Avril beat a hasty retreat in search of answers only to find that their next port of call for the final confrontation in Red Agent: The Human Order #9’s final issue is the most unexpected destination of all.
Redolent of early X-Men and latter incarnation Doom Patrol, Red Agent: The Human Order #8 has intimations of greatness with a clearly defined writing style courtesy of Lou Iovino and equally clean-cut artwork by Eduardo Garcia. Definitely one to say: “I knew them when”.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker