Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Pat Shand
Artist: Alessandro Miracolo
Colourist: Marco Lesko
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

The cover of Grimm Tales Of Terror #8 looks like we’re in for a compilation in the style of Strange Tales, but this is a stand-alone, full length story about a group of film students who decide a horror inspired prank based on the old childhood game “Light As A feather, Stiff As A Board”, from which this issue of Grimm Tales Of Terror #8 takes its title, would be just the best idea ever.
Student’s eh? What else would you expect?
Naturally enough, it all goes wrong. Vlogs and podcasts collide with demonic possession and supernatural high jinks in Grimm Tales Of Terror #8 and if the twist in the tail isn’t all that twisty, it’s still a worthwhile journey along a well-worn – but pleasing – path, with new tech add-ons in the form of Twitter-type captions which, for this old dinosaur at least, add nothing to the story but does anchor said story specifically in the contemporary times.
And, If nothing else, old chills are still the best chills and whether it’s a video or a painting in the attic the basic principles of horror writing are still alive and well and knocking then dead (yeah well, I’m the editor, it’s what we do) in Grimm Tales Of Terror #8.
Reviewer: Gary – The Ghoul – Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve – I’m terrifying enough – Hooker