Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Dave Franchini
Artist: Renzo Rodriguez
Colourist: Fran Gamboa
Release Date: 8 November 2017
Price: $3.99

Ghostbusters meet the Scooby Gang in Spirit Hunters #11, the penultimate issue of this particular run. In the build-up to the finale, Ellen wants to know more about her psychic powers and agrees to take part in one of Dr Chase’s experiments. The fact that he had been trying the same experiment with his dead wife should have given her a clue that it might have been better to run for the hills, but you know how stubborn psychics can be.
Trapped inside her mind in Spirit Hunters #11 of 12, with memories trying to tear her apart, Ellen has only a dead girl to protect her from a demonic spirit trying to break through into our world to wreck havoc while a bit of spirit writing sets us up nicely for the forthcoming denouement. Spirit Hunters #11 has overcome the sporadic storytelling of previous issues, and the character’s story arcs have gelled nicely.
Whether it’s the ‘most terrifying hauntings man has ever known’ as the inside cover blurb would have us believe is open to debate, but Spirit Hunters #11 of 12 ticks over nicely, and the final act in this spooky drama may yet throw a few surprises our way.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker