Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Joe Brusha
Artist: Yusuf Idris
Release Date: 31 January 2018
Price: $5.99

Grimm Tales Of Terror Black and White Special Edition combines past and future elements in storytelling to vivid effect. If you think about it, black and white anything harks back to a simpler time, but also hints at possibilities to come. We had black and white movies long before technicolour. Monochrome photographs were plentiful before sepia led the way to red eye weirdness. And black and white comics were the precursor of primary colour super heroics.
But you’d be wrong in thinking that full colour printing consigned monochrome to the scrap heap once you see Grimm Tales Of Terror Black and White Special Edition. After a discrete rested period, black and white art was brought back in as a kind of up market speciality in the glossier, more expensive magazines. Not for us the gaudy explosions of red and blue they seemed to say. We have artists whose skill with a line is not dependant on, and is, in fact, far superior to those who need to drown their core ability in rainbow excesses.
In short, anything that is presented in black and white now needs to be something very special. Is the fact that Grimm Tales Of Terror Black and White Special Edition is about to hit the big screen, special enough for you? The opening tale about cute little kitties and a curse that befalls the big, bad, blacksmith who dares to harm them is the basis for the movie and will certainly have cat lovers everywhere standing up and cheering in the aisles.
Grimm Tales Of Terror Black and White Special Edition continues the feline theme with a reprint of ‘Black Cat’, a neat little tale of suburban revenge, which also gives us the written script for the page breakdowns which is neat if you haven’t seen that sort of thing before.
The artwork of Eric J and Yusuf Idris certainly lives up to all the expectations of a prestigious black and white presentation, but just two tales in what should be an anthology title seems a little sparse, but it will certainly serve to whet appetites for a cinematic experience coming to a theatre near you Grimm Tales Of Terror Black and White Special Edition!
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker