Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Dave Franchini
Artist: Bong Dazo
Colourist: Juan Manuel Rodriguez
Release Date: 21 February 2018
Price: $3.99

Well, Ding-Dong! as British actor Leslie Phillips used to say. What do you mean you’ve never heard of him? What do they teach you in school these days?
Anyway, Belle #2 is the continuing adventures of Belle the Beast Hunter, to give her full title, and the glamour girl front cover is just the sort of image that would have made the non-pc Mr. Phillips give out with his famous catch-phrase. But them, in the Grimm Universe, a prerequisite for tackling nasties of all sorts is the need to be hot and/or hunky. Same goes for every comic book universe come to that.
Belle #2 only villains it seems get to be ugly or just plain, uh, plain. Thing is, good looks and a skin tight costume alone just can’t cut it if you want to have a long and illustrious career in the monster hunting business. Does Belle have what it takes? Well, she has a potty mouth, a bad attitude and a wicked axe, so, off to a good start.
Belle needs all three as she finds herself fighting for her life against a tentacle terror she christens a “sea booger”. See, potty mouth. The forces of evil have targeted her family and her mentor, Candlestick, has just become one of their first victims. But is this really Annabelle Dimarco’s real life, or just a bad dream?
Even Belle can’t say for sure, but one thing seems obvious: both realms look set to converge with tragic consequence for all concerned unless Belle can figure out what the heck is going on around here. Intriguing stuff from Dave Franchini and gloriously classy artwork from the gloriously named Bong Dazo.
If Belle #2 is anything to go by, this could be the start of a beautiful, and long lasting, friendship.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker