Publisher: Zenescope
Writer: Anne Toole
Artist: Marcio Abreu
Colourist: Hedwin Zaldivar and Maxflan Araujo
Release Date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99

In Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #4, Mary Medina, aka Mystere, finds herself trapped in the Shadowlands by a powerful enemy with no means of escape.
So, just another day at the office then in Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #4. Luckily, Mystere has two allies, Bakur, who seems to know his way around this mystical realm of terror and a genie called Jasmine: always useful to have one of those in your back pocket when navigating the unknown.
Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #4, trapped in a maze that would give the Minotaur a headache and haunted by the voices of the dead, Mystere and her allies face a new peril with each door they pass through until they encounter the biggest threat of all before they can gain their freedom.
A good old-fashioned Dungeons and Dragons inspired trip down the supernatural highway, Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #4 may not break new ground, but it’s a slick, well executed place holder in the middle of a six-part story arc which will add up to something greater than the sum of its parts.
And that – you will find – in Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #4, turns out to be no bad thing.
Reviewer: Gary Orchard
Reviews Editor: Steve Hooker