Category Archives: Reviews
REVIEW: John Carter Warlord of Mars #12
Publisher: Dynamite
Writers: Ron Marz and Ian Edgington
Artist: Ariel Medel
Editor: Joe Rybradt
Release date: 28 October 2015
Price: $3.99
REVIEW: Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 Trade Paperback
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
Writer: Tony Lee
Artist: Aneke
Editor: Joe Rybrandt
Release date: 28 October 2015
Price: $15.99
Continue reading REVIEW: Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 Trade Paperback
REVIEW: Batman #45
Publisher: DC
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artists: Greg Capullo, Danny Miki
Colourist: FCO Plascencia
Editor: Mark Doyle
Release date: OUT NOW!!!!
Price: $3.99
REVIEW: The Guardians of the Galaxy #1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: Valerio Schiti
Colourist: Richard Isanove
Editor: Nick Lowe
Release date: OUT NOW!!!
Price: $3.99
REVIEW: Will Eisner’s The Spirit #4
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Matt Wagner
Artist: Dan Schkade
Colourist: Brennan Wagner
Release date: 21 October 2015
Price: $3.99
REVIEW: The Flash Season 2 Episode 2, Flash of Two Worlds
Producer: The CW
Writers: Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing
Director: Jesse Warn
Featuring: Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanaugh, Jesse L. Martin, Teddy Sears
Release date: USA: OUT NOW/UK Sky 1 20th October 2015
Continue reading REVIEW: The Flash Season 2 Episode 2, Flash of Two Worlds
REVIEW: Vampirella/Army of Darkness #4
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Mark Rahner
Artist: Jet Morales
Editor: Joe Rybrandt
Release date: OUT NOW!!!
Price: $3.99
REVIEW: Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge #1
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Writer: Chuck Dixon from an original story by Dean Koontz
Artist: Andres Ponce
Editor: Rich Young
Release date: OUT NOW!
Price: $3.99
Continue reading REVIEW: Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Storm Surge #1