Category Archives: Reviews

REVIEW: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 Episode 1: Laws of Nature

Producer: ABC Studios
Writers: Joss Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen
Director: Vincent Misiano
Featuring: Chloe Bennet, Nick Blood, Iaian De Caestecker, Clark Gregg, Elizabeth Henstridge, Luke Michell, Adrianne Palicki, Henry Simmons
Release date: USA OUT NOW/UK Channel 4 Autumn Schedule (TBC)

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REVIEW: Bloke’s Terrible Tomb of Terror #13

Publisher: Jason Crawley
Writers: Jason ‘The Bloke’ Crawley, David Brana & Troy Vevasis
Artists: Mike Hoffman, Scott Shriver, Antonio Di Cieeo, Carlos Valenzuela, Ronn Sutton, Angel Alonso, Santos Zaballos & Bernadinus Gita

Cover: Mike Hoffman
Editorial Assistance: Keith Braun
Release date: OUT NOW!!!
Price: $8.95

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