jokerWarner Bros. has released the first trailer for its OVA adaptation of Batman:  The Killing Joke, due out later this year. The animated feature, directed by Sam Liu, is due out later this year, with fans expecting a distinctly adult feel. The title may provide Batman with his first ‘R rated’, or 15 certificate in the UK, title.


JUPITER’S LEGACY returns with all-new story

The sequel to the industry sales-beast JUPITER’S LEGACY is back and it boasts monthly jaw-dropping, eye-popping story from bestselling creators Mark Millar (CHRONONAUTS, HUCK, Kingsman: The Secret Service) and Frank Quitely.

In JUPITER’S LEGACY, VOL. 2 #1, superhero offspring Hutch and Chloe have come out of hiding with son Jason to assemble a team of super-crooks from around the globe. Continue reading JUPITER’S LEGACY returns with all-new story


This is it! The moment you’ve been waiting for! Heroes from across the Marvel Universe converge on Pleasant Hill to face-off with an army of super villains! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look inside AVENGERS STANDOFF: ASSAULT ON PLEASANT HILL OMEGA #1 – Continue reading The Explosive Finale! Your First Look at AVENGERS STANDOFF: ASSAULT ON PLEASANT HILL OMEGA #1!

BIG HEROES! BIG VILLAINS! AND BIGGER ADVENTURES this week, Share Your Universe with a brand new episode of MARVEL’S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY this Sunday at 8:00am/7:00c on Disney XD.


MARVEL’S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY returns with an all-new episode airing at 8:00am/7:00c on Disney XD. Tune in for the new episode Come and Gut Your Love where Star-Lord must face his greatest adversaries…his ex-girlfriends!


Continue reading BIG HEROES! BIG VILLAINS! AND BIGGER ADVENTURES this week, Share Your Universe with a brand new episode of MARVEL’S GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY this Sunday at 8:00am/7:00c on Disney XD.

Chaykin weaves a striking journey in MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL

Fan-favorite and cult cartoonist Howard Chaykin (AMERICAN FLAGG!, SATELLITE SAM) will launch an all-new, full-color, noir-infused, miniseries entitled MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL, which will hit comic book stores this June.

Set in 1950, MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL follows Joel Breakstone, a former G.I., one of the liberators of Auschwitz, and a walking pile of seriously damaged goods. He hasn’t exhaled a sober breath in five years—until the sheltered life he’s created for himself unravels and he begins the long night that will change his life forever. Continue reading Chaykin weaves a striking journey in MIDNIGHT OF THE SOUL

FAITH #3 (of 4) – On Sale March 30th!

New job. New identity. New life… right? Will the sudden reappearance of a former Renegade bring Faith’s newfound heights crashing back down to Earth?

She’s an intrepid reporter by day and an alien conspiracy hunting super hero by night – so the last thing Faith Herbert needed was her ex-boyfriend and one-time teammate Torque back in the picture. But he is. Does life have a “dislike” button? Continue reading FAITH #3 (of 4) – On Sale March 30th!

SHE WOLF leaves readers howling for more

SHE WOLF, by fan-favorite cartoonist Rich Tommaso (DARK CORRIDOR) will lead the pack this June with a chilling, fever-dream mystery that will keep fans hooked from page one.

A surreal exploration in horror, SHE WOLF follows a teenage girl who believes she’s been bitten by a savage werewolf. Soon after, she begins to experience feverish nightmares that seamlessly bleed into her everyday reality. Continue reading SHE WOLF leaves readers howling for more

New trailer for Cinemax’s “Outcast” promises that inescapable evil is lurking just out of sight.

outcast-sdcc22The latest trailer for Cinemax’s Outcast promises that inescapable evil is lurking just out of sight.

Continue reading New trailer for Cinemax’s “Outcast” promises that inescapable evil is lurking just out of sight.

MARVEL’S ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX returns with an all-new episode airing at — 9:00am/8:00c on Disney XD.

image001MARVEL’S ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX returns with an all-new episode airing at —9:00am/8:00c on Disney XD. Tune in for the new episode “Anti-Venom” where Spider-Man must save Agent Venom from a new compound created to destroy him! Continue reading MARVEL’S ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN VS. THE SINISTER SIX returns with an all-new episode airing at — 9:00am/8:00c on Disney XD.