Crypt Of Horror 14


Title: Crypt of Horror
Issue Number: Volume 14

Writers and Artist’s Names: Writers include: Ruth Roche, Robert Farrell, Joe Millard, Richard Hughes, Ernie Hart, Hank Chapman and Carl Wessler. Artists include Bob Powell, Mort Meskin, Charles Quinlan, Dick Ayers,  Bill Everett, Mo Marcus, Ken Battefield and Hy Eisman.

Cover by Lee Elias.

Crypt Of Horror 14
Crypt Of Horror 14

Intended Audience: All-ages fans of classic horror comics material; comics historians and fans of vintage reprint material of all kinds.

Format: Standard comic-book size; saddle-stitched, ULTRA-THICK 140 pages, black & white interiors with color covers.

Retail Price: $29.95 (maximum discount 50%)
Ship Date: April 27, 2012
UPC Code: 649241925989

Synopsis: 140 pages of the best classic comic book horror of the Pre-Code era of the 1950’s, including stories like “Corpses From the Sea”, “The Hungry Ghoul”, ” The Clinging Corpse”, “The Deadly Doll of Horror” and more. Art by Powell, Meskin, Ayers, Charles Quinlan, Bill Everett and other rarely-seen greats!

Special Notes: As always, this issue of Crypt of Horror brings fans and enthusiasts a selection of the best, most interesting, most obscure and esoteric comic book stories of the macabre, from the heyday of the genre, the 1950’s- as compiled by that renowned expert on comic book history, AC Comics publisher, Bill Black. And, as a special promotion for this issue, one out of every three copies of Crypt of Horror Volume 14 will be signed and numbered by Bill Black, at no additional charge. That means that any retailer who orders at least three copies of COH 14 is guaranteed of getting one autographed copy out of the three. (Note to our Diamond rep: we will create a separate bar code for the autographed copies, each of which will be bagged, and that code will be stickered to the outside of the bag.) The number of autographed copies will, of course be a function of the total number of copies sold, so at this juncture we cannot say what the quantity of signed/numbered copies will be, but chances are that the number will be low, making these signed copies a rare and valuable collector’s items.