Dynamite Entertainment is proud to announce the signing of Fred Van Lente, who will pen a quirky zombie tale. Van Lente is hot off his Marvel Exclusive!  Fans of The Walking Dead and George Romero movies will not want to miss this series, coming in 2013 from Dynamite Entertainment!

“Like a lot of things that I do, my zombie project at Dynamite mocks a genre while very much being a part of that genre,” says writer Fred Van Lente.  “In a lot of zombie stories we get the beginning of plague, or the zombie apocalypse, but we skip all the military, governmental and just plain human screw ups that got us from Point A to Point B. Well, that’s all this book is about — a global disaster of this magnitude results in a lot global stupidity, and therein lies comedy. Think of this as World War Z with jokes and a B drive-in movie Grindhouse sensibility. At the heart of our story is a group of message-board experts — yes, geeks — recruited (not without real-life precedent) by the Defense Intelligence Agency to see if they can’t apply their unparalleled knowledge of the zombie genre to figure a way to solve the crisis. As a professional comics writer, will I allow Internet know-it-alls save the world, or will they all be horrifically slaughtered? I can’t wait to find out myself.”

Army of Darkness vs Re-Animator #2 page 13;Nick Bradshaw art
Raise the Dead II #1 page 8;
Guiu Vilanova art
Raise the Dead II #3 page 8;
Guiu Vilanova art


Raise the Dead II #3 page 18;
Guiu Vilanova art
Raise the Dead II #3 page 15;
Guiu Vilanova art
Raise the Dead II #3 page 11;
Guiu Vilanova art


“Fred’s an incredible talent whom we’ve wanted to work with for years.  Marvel saw his potential and signed him to an exclusive where he has written The Hulk, The Incredible Hercules, X-Men, Deadpool, as well stories in key Marvel Cross-Overs including Shadowland.  We approached Fred years ago, but finding out of his exclusivity, he was unable to work with us.  We’ve stayed in contact, and when he was off his exclusive, we connected for a series.  The first conversation was fantastic.  We sat down, we pitched him our idea, he liked it and came back with his voice.  I cannot wait for fans to read this.  It’s going to be a fun ride!  A fun ride with lots of bites, death, and everything that comes in a zombie story ;-)” – States Dynamite President Nick Barrucci