New LUTHER STRODE mini-series launches in January

The Image Comics mini-series THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE ended in a baptism of blood as former geeky weakling Luther Strode discovered the depths of the powers he developed with “The Hercules Method” of strengthening — and with a promise of more mayhem.

The critically lauded mini-series catapulted creators Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore into the consciousness of comics readers. Now they’re bringing their unlikely (anti-?)hero back with THE LEGEND OF LUTHER STRODE, a mini-series set five years after STRANGE TALENT. The first issue will be in stores on December 5.

The Legend of Luther Strode #1;
Tradd Moore art

Luther has systematically been taking out bad guys, and those left have a plan to put an end to the seemingly invulnerable vigilante. The development means the violence in LEGEND is amped up even higher than the not-inconsiderable level of gore in STRANGE TALENT. In an interview at IGN, the creators expressed, however, that their wish isn’t to glorify violence.

“While the hyper-violence and how we’re desensitized to violence in comics was one of the points of the first one, we had to be careful not to, you know, desensitize people to the ridiculous violence,” explained writer Jordan.

Moore, whose task it is to draw the hyper-violence (Felipe Sobreiro gives both LUTHER series their colors — with red dominating) supplied some details: “Within the first two issues there have already been about 12-15 dudes eviscerated in some ridiculous and fantastic fashion. And that’s not including any off panel maiming! Manhole cover decapitation, exploding heads, hearts ripped out, body severing karate chops. I tell you, we’ve got it all. “

The Legend of Luther Strode #2;
Tradd Moore art

In a story at USA Today, the team revealed some of the demons haunting Luther, who has realized he has become everything The Librarian, his arch-nemesis in STRANGE TALENT, said he was: a killer who uses might as right. LEGEND, said Jordan, is a story of redemption — or the lack of it.

THE LEGEND OF LUTHER STRODE is a full-color, six-issue comics mini-series. Issue #1 (OCT120461) and #2 (NOV120564) are available for pre-order at comic book stores now.