PC Magazine Touts MOLLY DANGER Digital

Counted Amongst The Top 10 Digital Comics You Should Read Right Now!

PC Magazine, the world’s largest tech publisher calls Molly Danger on the ten titles you should have on your smartphone and tablet.Molly Danger

The series, created by Inkpot award winning creator Jamal Igle stars world’s most powerful ten-year-old girl. A seemingly immortal, superstrong hero, Molly has protected the city of Coopersville for the last twenty years. Kept in constant isolation and watched closely by D.A.R.T. (The Danger Action Response Team), an organization created to assist in her heroic deeds and monitor her movements, Molly battles the Supermechs. Molly longs for a real life with a real family. Her life changes when D.A.R.T. recruits a new pilot, Austin Briggs. Briggs has his own motivations for joining the team; newly remarried, Austin is having trouble forming a relationship with his new stepson, Brian. Austin wants to use his connections to impress Brian, an avid Molly Danger fan. However, things change when Molly and Brian form a friendship of their own. She believes she’s an alien whose family died when their ship crash-landed on Earth and before the atmosphere could fully alter them. She also believes that she’s alone, the last of her kind. Everything she believes is wrong.

Published in print by Action Lab Entertainment, Molly Danger is available digitally through Comixology.com