Archie Comics Teams With BlueToad

Expands Digital Distribution

Archie Comics has announced a partnership with BlueToad, a leading technology provider in the digital publishing industry.

ArchieWindowsStoreTile_310x310_300x3009dbc41The purpose of the partnership is to extend the reach of Archie’s Digital Comics into new digital marketplaces and territories.

The Archie Comics App on the Windows Store, announced on December 3rd, was the first project completed under the partnership and marked the first time an Archie Comics App was made available for Windows 8.1. BlueToad has also developed an Archie Comics Android App that is available now on the Amazon Appstore for Android. Both of these Apps include favorite Archie series including Archie, Betty & Veronica, Life With Archie, graphic novels and digital exclusives. There is even a subscription option that gives instant access to a selection of comics for only $9.99 per month.

“We’re very excited about Archie’s continuous growth in the digital market and by partnering with the esteemed company BlueToad, we’re confident they will propel us to new heights,” stated Archie Comics Publisher and co-CEO Jon Goldwater.

“BlueToad is thrilled to support Archie Comics in their quest to introduce their content to new audiences across a wide range of devices. Our content forward design showcases the legendary look and feel of Archie Comics. ” explains Paul DeHart, CEO and President of BlueToad.

Future projects between Archie Comics and BlueToad include web and other mobile platforms as well as Apps for other Archie properties including Afterlife With Archie, Kevin Keller, Red Circle Comics and more.